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Advanced Placement

College Board Advanced Placement Examinations

MIT grants credit for a score of 5 on some College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams. It does not grant credit for secondary school courses teaching AP curricula, or partial credit for lower scores. If you take an AP exam more than once, only your higher score will be counted.  Credit is automatically recorded when scores are received from the College Board. See Reporting Your Scores below.

These policies are specific to the Class of 2029 (entering Fall of 2025) and are subject to change for subsequent entering classes.


No credit is given for the AP Biology exam.


No credit is given for the AP Chemistry exam.

Computer Science

No credit is given for the AP Computer Science exams.


A score of 5 on the Calculus BC exam will grant you credit for 18.01.

A score of 5 on the Calculus AB exam allows you to enroll in the accelerated Calculus sequence of 18.01A/18.02A.


A score of 5 on both Physics C exams—Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism—will grant you credit for 8.01. No credit will be given for the Physics 1 and 2 exams separately.

Other Science Exams

No credit is given for AP Environmental Science or Statistics exams.

Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

A score of 5 on any AP exams listed in the College Board’s categories of Arts, English, History & Social Sciences, and World Languages & Cultures earn 9 units each of unrestricted elective credit**.

A score of 5 on both of the Capstone exams – AP Seminar and AP Research, earns a total of 9 units of unrestricted elective credit**. No credit is given for AP Environmental Science or Statistics exams.

Advanced Placement credit cannot be used to satisfy any part of the HASS Requirement.

Communication Requirement

In addition to earning 9 units of unrestricted elective credit**, a score of 5 on either the English Language and Composition or English Literature and Composition exam places you in the “CI-H/CI-HW Required” category without taking the First Year Essay Evaluation (FEE).

You are still required to take a Communication-Intensive subject (CI-HW or CI-H) your first year as part of the Communication Requirement. Students with scores lower than 5 on either exam should take the FEE or plan to complete a CI-HW subject.

Reporting Your Scores

The College Board reports scores electronically to MIT. You may designate MIT as a recipient (Code 3514) when you register for your AP exams, or order a report later from the College Board. MIT will not accept scores from paper reports sent to you, or from your high school.

Please submit all AP scores by July 11, 2025.

Any AP scores received by MIT, along with credit they earn, will appear in your Online Advising Folder, which becomes available in mid-August.

**Unrestricted electives are subjects taken outside of the requirements of a student’s particular major degree program. Degree charts are constructed to include at least 48 units of such subjects. Taking electives allows students to pursue academic interests across the Institute and enhance their academic experience how they see fit.

For More Information

Address questions not answered here regarding MIT’s policies and procedures on credit for Advanced Placement scores to

For information about the use of AP and other exam scores in Admissions decisions, please visit We cannot answer questions about qualifications for admission to MIT.