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Countdown to Campus for Transfer Students

A month-by-month list of important dates, action steps and deadlines for incoming transfer students for Fall 2024.  Transfer students should refer to this page for important dates prior to your arrival.

Note: “Countdown to Campus” pages within the main Orientation section is specific to Class of 2028.





  • August 1: Fall Term Tuition Payment due. See the Student Financial Services website for more information.
  • August 1: Your Orientation Registration Form is due.
  • August 1: Submit your Emergency Contact Information form on WebSIS. MIT needs to have your emergency information. Please discuss this with your parents or guardians and then fill out both your Personal Emergency Contact and Campus Emergency Notification (MITAlert) information on WebSIS. You will be prompted to update this every semester during Registration.
  • August 9: Orientation Schedule available online via the Guidebook app.
  • August 15: Deadline to submit your health insurance waiver. (More Information to come in Mid-July).

Advanced Standing Exam Dates:

(Please note: ASEs will be held remotely through August 8. Exams on September 3 will be in person)

These are the only dates that these exams will be held. Reminder: Registration for the Advanced Standing Exams is from July 1 – July 12. Register Here.

  • July 29:  6.100A Advanced Standing Exam
  • July 30:  Biology Advanced Standing Exam
  • July 31: 5.111 Chemistry Advanced Standing Exam
  • August 5: 8.01 Advanced Standing Exam
  • August 6: 18.01 Advanced Standing Exam
  • August 7: 8.02 Advanced Standing Exam
  • August 8: 18.02 Advanced Standing Exam
  • September 3, 9am-12pm EDT: 8.03 Advanced Standing Exam
  • September 3, 2-5pm EDT: 8.04 Advanced Standing Exam 
  • September 3, 9am-12pm EDT: 18.03 Advanced Standing Exam
  • September 3, 9am-12pm EDT: 18.06 Advanced Standing Exam
  • TBD September 3, 1pm EDT: 5.12 Chemistry Advanced Standing Exam (Must have transfer credit for 5.111 or pass the 5.111 ASE on July 31)