Physical Education Requirement
Physical Education is a General Institute Requirement because of its importance in helping you to lead a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
You are strongly encouraged to complete the entire PE requirement by the end of your sophomore year. In fact, many first years find PE classes a welcome relief from their academic work and take one each quarter, thus completing the requirement in their first year.
- PE classes do not count towards your 54-unit first year credit limit, so you may take a PE class right away in your first semester.
Here are details of the ways you can meet the Physical Education requirement:
Physical Education Classes
- To fulfill the requirement in Physical Education, you must earn eight (8) PE points and meet the swim requirement by taking a swim class or passing the swim test. The swim test is given during Orientation on registration day for your convenience.
- The class listings and registration dates are listed on the Physical Education website.
Intercollegiate Program
- Four points for varsity teams in their traditional seasons
- Two points for varsity teams in their non-traditional seasons (where permitted)
ROTC Programs
- Two points per year with a maximum of four points
Alternative Point Opportunities (fee-based classes)
- 8 hours of Personal Training
- 8 hours of Private Swim Lessons
- 8 hours of Group Exercise