Do first-years have to pay to participate in the pre-orientation programs (FPOPs)?
While Orientation is free, some of the pre-programs have an additional fee. Here is a breakdown of the various programs:
- ACE: No charge
- DAD: No charge
- DBE: $50
- DBCS: No charge
- DC1: No charge
- DChem: No charge
- DChE: $50
- DEAL: $95
- DEAPS: No Charge (Weather and Climate, New Hampshire)
- DEE: No charge
- DE: $50
- DEO: No charge
- DM: No charge
- DMSE: No charge
- DME: No charge
- DNSE: No charge
- DOE: No charge
- DP: No charge
- DPD: $150
- DPH: $185
- DUSP: None
- FAP: $275
- FLIPOP: $25